Saturday, August 1, 2015

To mom with love: Lessons in poop

1. Don't expect me to do the job when you are ready for it.Always predict the poop at the most unpredicted time.That means be ready 24/7

2.Don't expect me to let you finish cleaning up the poop easily.I am fascinated by the water bowl,the cotton wool bag and most of all the mushy squashy poo.So do you think I can resist grabbing any of these if kept within my reach.

3.Just finished having a bath is not at all a good excuse to say no to a poo.Nor is recent change of clothes, either yours or mine.

4.I am mixing up the frequency of poo per day for the sole purpose of adding a little variation to you life.a little anticipation always cures boredom. 

5. you caught me in the managed to clean me with record speed with minimum are really showing there any law saying one poop can't follow the other.just to make sure you got it correctly the first time.

Love you loads.your little angel

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