Sunday, August 2, 2015

What they don't tell you

Well,when your physician finally suggests that the lil one can start feeding on things other than you (ahem, I mean your milk) you feel like you have won the lottery.Yupeee! She is ready to start feeding.
Which means she is ready for new experiences
.She is ready to go out and conquer the world.(May be not in the immediate future,but hey every long journey starts with a small step,right?).and now that she is not totally depending on you may be a trip to the saloon will be possible for that long waited haircut.

But what he forgets to tell you is while breastfeeding means you just feed on demand,solid food (or should I say runny food?)means
 you have to cook it (and make sure its super hygienic from farm to table),
throw away the burnt food and cook again
,strain it, smash it ,do whatever it takes to make it look like you stamped on it
and present it to a by now red faced wailing and dead mad kid
,try being from a clown up to a thug and get a few spoonfuls in if it's a lucky day,
gobble down the remainder in two seconds
procrastinate cleaning the room which looks like a food war,
take a deep breath and.....prepare forthe next meal

Saturday, August 1, 2015

To mom with love: Lessons in poop

1. Don't expect me to do the job when you are ready for it.Always predict the poop at the most unpredicted time.That means be ready 24/7

2.Don't expect me to let you finish cleaning up the poop easily.I am fascinated by the water bowl,the cotton wool bag and most of all the mushy squashy poo.So do you think I can resist grabbing any of these if kept within my reach.

3.Just finished having a bath is not at all a good excuse to say no to a poo.Nor is recent change of clothes, either yours or mine.

4.I am mixing up the frequency of poo per day for the sole purpose of adding a little variation to you life.a little anticipation always cures boredom. 

5. you caught me in the managed to clean me with record speed with minimum are really showing there any law saying one poop can't follow the other.just to make sure you got it correctly the first time.

Love you loads.your little angel

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Musings of a mom

When I was a kid my mom used to mutter this mantra ( she still does) "You will realise one day how difficult raising a kid is." Well, let's say this is one of the very few statements of her that I totally agree with now that I have a little one of my own. Not that my little princess( who is a replica of her dad and actually looks more like a prince at the moment) is giving me any of the trouble my mom accuses me of giving her at this age. She is a very sweet little thing .

The past few months,( or may be we will add the nine months of the pregnancy as well) have turned my life  up side down like being caught in the middle of a whirl wind.Don't ask me whether I thought things would end up like in a fairy tale and me playing the role of  super mom.(Sigh!) I did and still do. But on the bright side except for a few mishaps nobody got killed yet. So I guess I am doing quite okay.

One thing that did not change with the arrival of the little one was my FB usage. On the contrary it might have increased as I spent long periods nursing her. So I used to jot down things that happened in my life and surprisingly most of them were funny when I looked at it afterwards. Guess it was nice to make people smile than moan about my day and give hubby a headache.

So then one of my friends suggested to start a separate page for  my thought bursts( or may be explosions). So here goes